Saturday, July 23, 2011

Duet Emmo, Or So it Seems (side A)

After Wire initially parted ways, Bruce Gilbert and Graham Lewis were involved with many albums, often using the Dome moniker.  1982's Or So it Seems, a trio where they collaborate with Daniel Miller of Mute Records and The Normal, was released under the name Duet Emmo.  Or So it Seems includes two basic modes.  The instrumentals are minimal, repetitive, and slightly abrasive—they sound more like minimal European techno from the early 2000's than anything released in 1982.  The vocal tracks drench the dry and vaguely Goth-informed voices with some reverb—both the melodies and style fit much more with the era of the album's release.  The tracks alternate somewhat arbitrarily.  The instrumental parts sound rich and great, the vocals lack a bit of clarity.  And the minimal cover art looks great and fits the music's style appropriately.

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