Sunday, May 27, 2012

Parasites of the Western World, Parasites of the Western World (side A)

The Parasites of the Western World's self-titled 1978 debut obviously dates from a time when small-town US bands borrowed from a huge range of influences without a hint of self-consciousness.  Parts of this album have the aggressiveness of Chrome, with heavily distorted guitars, shout-y vocals, and driving beats.  Other songs sound like instrumental versions of 70s AM synth-pop.  This extreme juxtaposition reminds me a bit of Gary Wilson, though the album also seems to presage Bobb Trimble's more seamless assimilation of radio-friendly and jarring ideas.  The recording is generally competent, though it's hard to guess how the record was made—no credits indicate whether the group recorded themselves or went to a studio.  The 2010 reissue's mastering leaves the songs sounding extremely different from one another, which is likely true to the original creation, if it's also somewhat jarring to experience.  The packaging comes with nice posters and inserts.

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