Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Terminals, Little Things (side A)

1995's Little Things marks the apex of the Terminals' mature work.  The group evolved out of theearly-80s New Zealand band the Victor Dimisich Band, whose recordings were fortunately reissued on CD in the late-90s.  Singer/guitarist Stephen Cogle and drummer/lyricist Peter Stapleton formed the Terminals in the late-80s, and their early releases moved in more of a garage rock direction.  With 1992's Touch, guitarist Brian Crook of the Renderers introduced a noisier and more chaotic element that pulled the Terminals closer to Pere Ubu and Roxy Music.  Through their whole career, Cogle's deadpan vocals reference Joy Division and other vaguely goth-leaning post-punk bands.  Stapleton's simplistic drumming recalls the Velvet Underground.  The Terminals are more than the sum of these influences, and through Little Things they combine careful songwriting with a powerful roar.  The recording captures the power of the band riding in crests over an appropriately understated drum kit, and it's slightly primitive quality flatters the music, and especially the singing, without standing out.  The layered typewritten text on the cover is a beautiful design — it hints at the music's darkness and subtlety without relying on reference in its appearance.

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