Saturday, January 12, 2013

Out Hud / !!!, Lab Series vol. 2 split 12" (side A)

Out Hud and !!! branched out of the same family tree, and this 1999 split 12" captures both bands when they were still based in Sacramento, before their move to Brooklyn.  While the Out Hud side is split into 3 tracks and the !!! side is one long track, both sides evolve from capturing the band's live sound into a more abstract rhythmic groove.  Out Hud provide two tracks of dub-informed instrumentals, with tight electric guitar and clean cello over their awkward but coherent rhythm section.  Like their 7"s of this era, which was my favorite chapter of their output, the group sounds like a bizarre 90s update of records like the Basement 5 In Dub or XTC Go +.  While both of those records were one-offs for the band, this approach, complete with extreme use of simple processing, provided Out Hud's primary sound for years.  The final track on the side, "JGNXTC", consists purely of a mechanical groove with weird analog noises — it's hard to determine how many band members were involved with its creation.  !!! had not yet evolved the melodic or structural coherence that shone through their debut LP.  For most of "Instinct", they focus purely on creating a rhythmic groove, and any melodic or lyrical content from the conventionally-structured rock band is purely secondary.  The last part of the track gradually devolves and abandons the rock-oriented parts of the group.  What remains are drumming and heavily-effected grunting, almost as if Cromagnon had mutated itself into a new wave dance band.  Lab Series Vol. 2 employs primitive packaging design and recording qualities to emphasize both groups' overt punk rock roots, even as their music had moved so far from their origins.

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