Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Jon the Postman's Puerile (CD)

It's hard to say much about this one past stating the obvious fact that I was in a bad mood when I put it on. I've never seen 24 Hour Party People, but apparently an actor in it plays Jon the Postman? He was a drunk guy who sang "Louie Louie", opening for bigger bands in Manchester. On Jon the Postman's Puerile, he imitates Mark E Smith and references The Door And The Window all in about the first minute, but his improvised lyrics grow less interesting as the backing group fumbles its way through "Louie Louie" for a really long time. Nonetheless, for reasons that probably reveal ugly facts about my psyche, I keep coming back to this one and it avoids the "sell" pile. After 25 minutes, he finally moves on to something other than "Louie Louie", which may or may not be a good thing, and that's well before the all-kazoo version of "הבה נגילה". It looks like the albums were originally from 1978, with this CD having been reissued in 1998.

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