Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Kenneth Gaburo, Lingua II: Maledetto/Antiphony VIII (CD)

The majority of this 2008 CD reissue is a 1973 recording of Gaburo's absurd late 60s text piece Maledetto—it's hard to fathom that CRI, which is generally remembered as a dull label, released this crazy album in the first place. Lots of shouting, lots of double-entendre (even when the content seems a bit dated, it can still be absurd in such a radical sonic context). The dry liner notes by both Gaburo and Warren Burt don't really do justice to such an odd piece. The remainder of the CD is a 1984 recording of a shorter (and far murkier) tape-percussion piece "Anitphony VIII", performed by Steve Schick before he was famous.

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