Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Dead C, Future Aritsts (side C)

Despite the first tracking having the hilarious title "The AMM of Punk Rock", 2007's Future Artists reflects the breadth of the Dead C's work over its 4 sides.  The most prominent mode is long, slowly-evolving pieces with prominent drones.  Robbie Yeats's heavy and propulsive drumming is downplayed more often than not, with sparse percussion being common.  There are moments, though, that recall the more rock-informed period of "Sky" or "Helen Said This".  There are also moments where the drums are processed to sound more syntactically modern—these remind me more of Michael Morley's solo work than a typical Dead C track.  The recording, while still rough, achieves a higher fidelity than is associated with the classic era of the Dead C.  And the packaging, with a pattern of flowers (there's something behind the pattern, but it's hard to see) is hilarious—it lacks any text, even on the spine.

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