Saturday, July 14, 2012

Small Faces, There are but Four Small Faces (side A)

Small Faces' releases from 1967 are confusing to keep track of — From the Beginning collects early singles on Decca, Small Faces was the first UK album on Immediate, and the US release There are But Four Small Faces includes some different songs from the eponymous UK LP.  Notably, the UK version omits the hit singles "Here Come the Nice" and "Itchycoo Park", which appear on the US LP.  Rather absurd lyrics about drugs have not diminished these songs' lasting appeal, and the rest of the album matches their impact.  The band's obvious punch is dulled a bit by the recording of Kenney Jones's drums, which muffles a bit of their energy — with Ogden's Nut Gone Flake, a year later, the recording had caught up more with his powerful sound.  The creative solution of adding flange to color his tom part on "Itchycoo Park" has influenced mixing for decades since.  Steve Marriott's lead vocals sound particularly rich and great here, with the recording capturing his amazing talents.  The front cover photo and the band's amazing outfits in the picture are amazing and timeless — I particularly envy the floral blazer.

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