Saturday, July 14, 2012

TV Ghost, TV Ghost (side A)

TV Ghost, the group's 2007 self-titled debut, recalls strange mid-90s rock bands who extended the grass-roots ethos of indie-rock after its initial impulse began to move in a more commercial direction.  The punkish aggression, awkward songwriting, and and primitive recordings reference bands like Splotch and Fat Day, though it's unclear if there was any direct influence from such obscure albums.  Where mid-90s indie bands made murky recordings, TV Ghost is harsh and bright, sometimes oppressively so.  The album's lo-fi qualities are derived from distortion and excess, not from sounds buried and obscured — this change relates to the evolution of cheap recording from cassette 4-track to computer software.  The mastering makes no effort to bring emphasis to what little low-end is present, and a very loud vinyl pressing is possible as a result.  The bright, chaotic cover art also does not reference the simplistic black-and-white designs of TV Ghost's mid-90s forebears.

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