Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Black Motor, Black Motor (side A)

Black Motor hail from Finland, and this self-titled 2007 LP is their debut.  They can loosely be described as a free-jazz trio, with saxist Sami Sippola splitting time between tenor and alto in their sax / bass / drum configuration.  Black Motor feels less chaotic and more compositional than ESP-style energy jazz from the 60s, but swinging and jazzier than more FMP's more improv-centric albums of the 80s.  Four of the five tracks even have a composition credit assigned solely to bassist Ville Rauhala.  The recording is even more lo-fi and dirty than most old ESP releases.  The loudest things are clearly the hi-hat and ride cymbals, with the rest of the kit sounding murky and the kick drum getting slightly lost.  The saxophone is roughly even with the drums, but lacks body and distorts a bit.  The upright bass is a bit too quiet also.  The nice black-and-white photo on the front cover gives no stylistic hints about the music by Black Motor.

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