Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Trummors, Over and Around the Clove (side A)

I've always enjoyed Trummors's live performances because of their timeless songwriting.  Their songs nicely reference '70s country-tinged folk-rock without ever seeming derivative or dated, and they live nicely in a classic tradition.  On 2012's Over and Around the Clove, the songs are presented with strong vocal and instrumental performances that help their subtle details shine through.  Marc Orleans, who sometimes accompanies the band live, shares the dobro and pedal steel accompaniment here with Chris Zaloom, and Dave Lerner adds bass overdubs on a few songs that show off his amazing talents there.  The recordings, and to a lesser extent the arrangements, reflect the duo's roots in '90s indie rock — the sounds hint at lo-fi, and there are some creative, untraditional mix and reverb decisions.  A part of me wishes the record sounded more like a reissue, and in other ways I like how the approach emphasizes Trummors's distinctive personality — it's nice to feel like a living band and not a stylized exercise.  The beautiful, handmade packaging is particularly remarkable, fitting the band perfectly without feeling referential.

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